Title: Failed invasion Author: m_findlow Characters: Jack, Owen, Tosh Rating: PG Challenge: 615 - Break Notes: A moment of panic is shortl-ived. A double drabble.
Title: Strict employees Author: m_findlow Characters: Jack, Ianto Rating: PG Challenge: 615 - Break Notes: Being the boss doesn't always work in Jack's favour. A double drabble.
Title: It's tough at the bottom Author: m_findlow Characters: Jack, Ianto Rating: PG Challenge: 615 - Break Notes: Jack is struggling with having handed over the leadership mantle. A double drabble.
Title: Unlucky break Author: m_findlow Characters: Owen, Gwen, Ianto Rating: PG Challenge: 615 - Break Notes: Jack is going to wish for a broken bone before things are over. A double drabble.